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By on July 30, 2019


Objects in Motion

God is a God of motion and He expects His church to move with Him. The church is at its strongest when it moves with God. The church is at its weakest when it remains still. 

A church in motion, stays in motion unless a force acts upon it. A church at rest stays at rest unless a force acts upon it.

The Path of Resistance

Man’s way is in constant conflict with God’s way. The church is made up of people who walk the path of resistance that is found between man’s way and God’s way. The challenge is in maintaining the balance. We can’t become so worldly that those who need to know God the most can’t see God because of us. Conversely, we can’t become so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good.



The Stuff of Legend

This message was inspired by a quote from Elton John about why he believed (incorrectly) that Jesus would back gay marriage.

Unfortunately, people look more and more to celebrities for answers to the great questions of life and the celebrities are all too eager to give it. Even worse, too many Christians aren't able to adequately point people to the real truth. To Jesus. This message aims to get the church to train themselves to be truth talkers and culture shifters.

The Fullness of Time

This message asks the listener to trust the heart of God - even when they can't see the work that God is doing behind the scenes and especially when they are uncomfortable with God's timing.

Once we come to trust His heart, then we are able to trust in His timing. That enables us to weather the storms of our lives, such as:

  • When the boss calls us into their office at work to give us the bad news...
  • When the doctor calls to give us the report we didn’t want to get...
  • When the police calls and asks “are you the parents of…”
  • When that unforeseen thing happens that flips your world upside down

We can trust that God is at work and that his timing will be perfect to sustain us.

Wrestling with God

When God wrestles with a person, that person never leaves that encounter the same person.

If you’ve ever walked away from a church service the same as when you walked into it… odds are, you didn’t have an encounter with God. If you’ve ever walked away from a quiet time the same as when you walked in to it… odds are, you didn’t have an encounter with God. If you can’t point to a single area of your life that has been transformed by God, odds are it’s because you haven’t had an encounter with God. This message is a call for the listener to evaluate if they have been transformed by a true encounter with God.

Restoring Broken Things

This message takes a look at the big mistakes of King David. God refers to David as a man after God's own heart. Yet even this man failed at times. In this instance, it was several failures at once: adultery, murder, and an attempted cover-up. In this story, we are able to see the failure of David, the brokenness of David, and the restoration of David.

We all live with things we regret, with consequences that leave us broken. Yet God meets us in our brokenness. We see this done repeatedly in the Bible. God has provided a record that shows this to be true. This is amazing news for us because the same God that has worked relentlessly to restore his broken people to himself in the past is the same God that will work relentlessly to restore us in our brokenness to him now and forevermore.

From God to Godless - Reaching a Lost Culture

In Acts ch. 2, Peter preached about Jesus and 3000 Jews became Christians. In Acts ch. 17, Paul preached to a group of Greeks and he was largely derided because of his message. What accounts for the difference? The Jews had a foundation already in place that allowed them to more easily respond to Jesus. The Greeks had no such foundation. Thus, Paul had to take a different approach in trying to preach to the Greeks.

This message takes a look at why we must re-evaluate our approach to reaching our culture. Surveys show that the culture around us barely knows anything of God at all. That is why we must change the way we evangelize if we hope to succeed in getting our culture to come to Jesus. It begins by coming to understand that the starting line in reaching them has moved from them having some knowledge of God to no knowledge of God at all.

Be Jesus - Your Life a Witness

Jesus once asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" That is a question that everyone who calls themselves a Christian must be able to answer. In this message, we will look at a variant of that question:

What does your life say about who you think Jesus is?”

In this message, we examine what our day to day lives tell other people about what we think about Jesus and who we think He is.

Are our lives consistent with what we say? Do people look at something we have done and say “I thought they were a Christian?” Do people look at something “religious” we did and say “wait a minute… they’re a Christian?” Are we hypocrites who hold deep seated beliefs but live lives contrary to those beliefs? Are we practical atheists that come to church on Sunday but live out Monday through Saturday as if there is no God?